
IE offers all the services you need to keep your business working smoothly, efficiently and securely.

We combine years of experience and high levels of industry knowledge with a personal approach. From top-of-the-range maintenance services including rope access to highest quality blasting and industrial painting which will protect your assets, we can provide your organization with a complete solution which meets all your requirements.

Preventive & Corrective maintenance

Wa take care of your asset:

1.Assessment and preventive intervention

2.24/7 support

3.SPMS (spare parts management service)

4.Logistics and storage

Water Blasting

Blasting everything clean …

High pressure water jet cleaning and washing, otherwise known as hydro-jetting or high-pressure cleaning, is normally done by high pressure water jet pump to remove dirt, mud, oil, grease, paint, debris, scale etc...

At IE we specialise in high pressure water jet cleaning offering a variety of services such as tank cleaning, formwork and building cleaning, industrial equipment cleaning, paint and rust removal, sealants and membrane from concrete removal, graffiti removal.


At IE, we know and understand that the scope of industrial site painting, surface preparation and that coatings may range from project to project. Each facility/ structure requires interior and exterior paint and coatings that are appropriate to a facility’s structure, functionality and location.

Offsite and Onsite Painting Work

We can paint on location or at our yard or warehouse

Rope Access

Accessing your needs regardless the height or depth …

IE offers rope access services with IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) trained personnel for any project needed to be done in difficult-to-access areas at height or depth, Building Maintenance, Renewable Energy industry, Telecom industry, Oil & Gas industry.

Confined Space, Ships, Cliffs, Rigs, Bridges, Buildings, Towers, Dams, Tanks, Cranes, Pylons, Chimneys and Refineries.

Why Choose Rope Access

- Increased safety
- Versatility
- Time efficient
- Cost effective
- Eco